Wednesday, May 6, 2015

How to reduce dark circles

Common causes of dark circles under the eyes include:
  • Heredity. Dark circles under the eyes can appear in childhood, and are often an inherited trait.
  • Allergies. Nasal congestion can dilate the blood vessels that drain from the area around your eyes, causing them to darken.
  • Sleep deprivation (the most common cause)
  • Oversleeping 
  • Eczema
  • Stress
  • Anemia. Iron deficiency can prevent the blood from carrying sufficient oxygen to eye tissues.
  • Minor trauma that causes the appearance of a black eye
  • Crying
  • Lifestyle. Excessive smoking or drinking can contribute to under-eye circles.
  • Fluid retention, as may occur with pregnancy or weight gain.
  • Skin pigmentation abnormalities. The skin around the eyes is thinner, which is why blood vessels are more readily visible through it. For this reason, irregular distribution of the melanin that gives the skin its color can cause dark circles to appear beneath the eyes. This is frequently a problem for people of Asian or African descent.
  • Excessive exposure to the sun. Sun exposure encourages your body to produce more melanin
  • Age. As we get older, we lose some of the fat and collagen surrounding our eyes. This loss, combined with the thinning of our skin, magnifies the appearance of dark eye circles.
  • Mononucleosis can cause the eyes to appear puffyand swollen.
  • Periorbital cellulitis
  • Excess salt in the diet

Get your beauty sleep. You must try to go to bed early every night. It’s not entirely clear why inadequate sleep results in dark circles under the eyes, but lack of sleep tends to cause the skin to become paler (thus increasing the appearance of darkness under the eyes), and reduces circulation. 
  • Try to get adequate sleep for at least 7-9 hours. 
  • Abstain from alcohol and drugs as they affect the quality of your sleep. 
  • Get adequate vitamins that assist sleep. A lack of sleep, coupled with poor vitamin absorption tends to reduce adrenal function. 

Eat well. Eat a healthy, balanced diettake vitamins, and drink plenty of water. It is known that lack of vitamin K or inadequate antioxidants can cause dark circles. Also, a deficiency in B12 (usually anemia-related) can result in dark circles.
  • Try to eat plenty of fruits and vegetables, especially cabbage, spinach, and other leafy green vegetables. Take a daily vitamin supplement if necessary. Get adequate fluids to improve circulation.
  • Reduce salt intake. Excess salt causes the body to retain water in unusual places, and this can result in puffiness under the eyes. Too much salt impair your circulation and cause the blood vessels under the skin to appear bluer.

Examine your smoking habit and decide to quit. Smoking causes vascular (blood vessel) problems that can not only threaten your life, but also make your blood vessels appear more prominent and bluer.

Relaxing might help remove sources of stress and anxiety that are preventing you from sleeping, eating and resting properly. In turn, relaxing enough will help the skin beneath your eyes to improve as you feel less stressed and more at ease. Skin tends to reflect a whole host of emotional and physical ailments, so don't dismiss the need to relax lightly.

Use cucumber slices. Cucumber slices have long been used to reduce puffiness and refresh the appearance of skin around the eyes. Place a slice over each eye, extending over the darkened area. Do this daily, coupled with lying down for 10-15 minutes. Keep your eyes closed.

Apply cool tea bags or an ice cube wrapped in soft cloth to your eyes daily. The tannin in tea bags reduces swelling and discoloration. Lie down, preferably in the morning, and leave the cool and damp caffeinated tea bags over your eyes for about 10-15 minutes. Keep your eyes closed. You can refrigerate them overnight so they will be ready in the morning.

Use a frozen spoon. Put a spoon in the freezer for 10-15 minutes. Take it out and cover the circles with it. Hold it there until the spoon is warm again.

We have a product that can help you to reduce the eye bag in 2-3 minutes time.

Please see the picture of the lady after our product is applied on one side of her eyes.

Dark Circle was reduced on one side after just 2 minutes.

Amazing results !!
To Order the products , please SMS me - (65) 8112 8393

Olevia Cheong

Sunday, May 3, 2015

Super Fruits

Super Fruits

What are Antioxidants?

Antioxidants are vitamins and minerals found in food, which are able to remove free radicals from our body and thus helps to prevent or slow the oxidative damage to our body. The process of oxidation in the human body damages cell membranes and other structures including cellular proteins, lipids and DNA. When oxygen is metabolised, it creates 'free radicals' which steal electrons from other molecules, causing damage.

Oxidation can lead to serious, long term health problems. Conditions such as diabetes, heart disease, and cancer have all been linked to oxidative damage.
Which are the fruits high in antioxidants?
There are many fruits that are highly concentrated with body healing substances. The following 6 foods are great sources for antioxidants.

1. Blueberries
Blueberries are the most powerful antioxidant fruit. They contain a group of natural phytonutrients (plant nutrient) called proanthocyanidins which have a unique ability to protect both the watery and fatty parts of the brain against damage from some environmental toxins. Blueberries are one of the richest sources of proanthocyanidins.  These phytonutrients decrease free radicals levels that are linked to aging (yes wrinkling!) and disease. In addition, blueberries contain various other vitamins and minerals extremely beneficial to your health.

2. Strawberries
Strawberries are one of the most highly concentrated antioxidant fruits. They are rich in the essential nutrients vitamin C, potassium, folic acid and fiber. One cup of fresh strawberries contains 160% of your daily needs for vitamin C, for only 50 calories! The flavonoid quercetin, contained in strawberries, is a natural anti-inflammatory that appears to reduce the risk of 
atherosclerosis and protect against the damage caused by low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol in animal studies. Quercetin may have the additional bonus of anti-cancer effects. The high polyphenol content in strawberries may also reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease (CVD) by preventing platelet build-up and reducing blood pressure via anti-inflammatory mechanisms. Other studies have shown that eating strawberries helps to lower homocysteine levels, an amino acid in the blood associated with damaging the inner lining of arteries. The fiber and potassium in strawberries also support heart health. In one study, participants who consumed 4069 mg of potassium per day had a 49% lower risk of death from ischemic heart disease compared with those who consumed less potassium (about 1000 mg per day). 
In addition, strawberries contain a high amount of folic acid, which is vital for pregnant women because it plays a vital role in preventing birth defects. However, folic acid is important to everyone, as inadequate levels can lead to dementia, heart disease, osteoporosis and many cancers.
3. Grapes
Every variety of grapes will provide antioxidants, but red skin grapes are the best. The antioxidants in grapes have been linked to inhibiting cancer and heart disease.  Several grape phytonutrients are now believed to play a role in longevity. At the top of the list in this area of research is resveratrol (a stilbene phytonutrient present mostly in grape skins, but also in grape seeds and grape flesh). Resveratrol has recently been shown to increase expression of three genes all related to longevity. (These three genes are SirT1s, Fox0s, and PBEFs.) Interestingly, some researchers have shown a parallel between activation of these longevity genes by resveratrol and activation by calorie-restricted diets. Grapes have long been classified as a low glycemic index (GI) food, with GI values ranging between 43-53. But having a low GI value is not necessarily the same as having blood sugar benefits. In the case of grapes, recent studies have shown that the low GI value of grapes is also a good indicator of this fruit's blood sugar benefits. Better blood sugar balance, better insulin regulation, and increased insulin sensitivity have now been connected with intake of grape juices, grape extracts, and individual phytonutrients found in grapes.


4. Kiwi
Kiwi contains vitamin A and vitamin E, two of the most important antioxidants. It is also a source of vitamin K, with 1 cup offering 89 percent of the RDA. Vitamin K helps with blood clotting and absorption of vitamin D. Kiwi also provides 13 percent of the RDA for vitamin E and 11 percent for folate in a 1-cup serving. Kiwis help in the immune system and maintaining a healthy blood pressure. Additionally, kiwis are packed with fiber, and helps in the digestion of food and lowering cholesterol. It is also works by removing toxins from the colon, improving your overall health.

5. Cranberries
Cranberries are extremely useful due to the significant amount of flavonoids they contain. Flavenoids are some of the most powerful and effective antioxidant compounds available to humans. 
Cranberry juice is rich in antioxidants, vitamin C and salicylic acid. By containing only 45 calories per cup, cranberry juice fits very well within the dietary guidelines. Cranberry juice also contains 87.13 g water per 100 g. It also provides energy, protein and carbohydrates. In terms of minerals, it contains calcium, magnesium, iron, phosphorus, sodium, potassium and zinc. It also contains vitamins like thiamin, riboflavin, niacin, vitamin B-6, E (alpha tocopherol) and vitamin K (phylloquinone). 
Eating cranberries help you with dental problems such as gingivitis, um disease, cavities and plaque build-up. Cranberries help to Promotes Weight Loss by flushing out your system, which then improves your metabolism and digestive system so that you can begin to lose weight quicker.
The antioxidants contained in cranberries will help your body to get rid of all the free radicals which contribute to the aging process. They will not only help your skin to look young, but your internal organs will also be able to function longer without problems.

6. Acai Berries
Acai berries are not commonly known but are becoming very popular due to their high antioxidant properties. Acai berries are small purple colored berry. The antioxidants found in them have been shown to have a positive effect on the heart and cardiovascular system. In addition, acai berries are believed to improve circulation, fight cancer, and prevent both blood clots and artherosclerosis, the clogging of blood vessels.
The major chemicals in the acai berry are polyphenols, flavonoids such as velutin, mostly of the anthocyanins and proanthocyanidins categories. This berry also has carotenoids, vitamin C, and lignans. Some of these lignans includedihydroconiferyl alcohol, lariciresinol, pinoresinol, syringaresinol, and protocatechuic. Lignans are representative of the aryltetrahydronaphthalene, dihydrobenzofuran, furofuran, 8-O-4'-neolignan, and tetrahydrofuran structural types.

So, do try to eat more of the above fruits. However, it is difficult to eat all the various types, and due to our busy schedule, we often are not able to consume all of them.

The other alternative would be to take some supplements.